
At Soul Survivor Watford we contribute to the life of the church in many different ways. While the information below relates to financial giving, other pages on this site explain the variety of ways you can get involved and give your time, energy, skills and enthusiasm! We are so thankful for the generosity of all those who give to Soul Survivor Watford.

There are a number of ways to give. You can setup a standing order using the bank details below or you can make a one-off gift or set up a Standing Order by clicking on the link below. This takes you to ChurchSuite and you can also click on My Giving in the ChurchSuite app to do the same. This also allows you to easily see how much you’ve given over the months and years.

If you’d like to give at one of our Sunday services, we take up an offering where you can give by cash, cheque or card. There will be baskets at the front for cash and cheques, and contactless card readers on the Welcome Desk.


Setting up a Standing Order or making a one-off gift

You can use the details below to send one-off gifts or set up Standing Orders via your bank. We have two bank accounts, one for general church funds (this includes when we take up offerings such as for the hardship fund) and one for our building work which is called Making Room For More. If you are happy for your gift to to be used wherever it is most needed, please use the general fund and we will allocate as necessary.

General Church Fund

Bank: Lloyds

Account Name: Soul Survivor Watford

Account number: 86143168

Sort code: 30 98 97

Making Room For More (Building fund)

Bank: Lloyds

Account Name: Soul Survivor Watford

Account: 86103968

Sort code: 30 98 97

*Please note that these details relate to Soul Survivor Watford which is a registered CIO, number 1184088. If you have different details they are likely to be for the K&J Morgan Trust. We converted from this trust in November 2020 but the K&J Morgan bank details remain valid.

If you would prefer to fill out a paper form to fill in and send to your bank, please contact Dan, our Finance Manager – his details are below.


If you are a UK tax payer (Income or Capital Gains Tax) and would like us to be able to claim back the basic rate tax through the government's Gift Aid scheme, you will need to fill in, sign and return an ongoing Gift Aid declaration. This allows Soul Survivor Watford to recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound given, from the government at no extra cost to you.                                 

 If you are a UK higher rate (40 per cent) or additional rate (45 per cent) income tax payer and you give to Soul Survivor Watford directly you can also choose to allow us to reclaim the basic rate tax through Gift Aid. You are also able to recover, through your tax return, the difference between the basic rate tax that Soul Survivor Watford recovers and the higher or additional rate that you have paid.

If you give via Payroll Giving then, because you are giving 'pre-tax', you are able to pass on the full benefit of your tax to Soul Survivor Watford immediately.

You can update your Gift Aid details on ChurchSuite. Head to the My Giving section and you’ll see a Gift Aid Declarations section. Or you can download a form here to complete and send back to us.

Got any questions?

If there’s anything you’re unsure about or need any help with, we’d be happy to chat. Please contact Dan, our Finance Manager via email or by calling 01923 204203.